Thursday, October 30, 2008

Elections, Presidents, Book Fair, Mother Goose, Puppets, and Halloween!

Originally uploaded by nolteowen

It has been a busy October in the library! Last week, we read a book called Los Gatos Black on Halloween by Marisa Montes and illustrated by Yuyi Morales. This book incorporates Spanish words throughout the text, and the illustrations are very spooky! Students in 3rd through 6th grades made puppets using only paper bags, scissors, markers, tape, and construction paper. They were so creative! On October 30th, we put on our own puppet production complete with eerie sound effects. This book's illustrations have many references to the "Day of the Dead" celebrations in Mexico. Mrs. Figueroa was also teaching about this in her Spanish classes, so students were exposed to a different culture's fall festival in both library and Spanish enrichment classes.

Also in October, Mrs. Tarleton and I team-taught about the presidents using a creative "Presidential Rap" and reader's theatre. We talked about the elections and discussed how mud-slinging and negative campaigning are similar to bullying and name calling.

The fall book fair raised $500.00 worth of books for the library and for each teacher's classroom. The students always have much fun shopping! A special word of thanks goes to St. Therese parents Mrs. Davis and Mrs. Piernas for volunteering to help. Also, high school students Jessica P. and Daniel H. earned student service hours for helping at the book fair!

I co-presented a workshop at the Whole Schools Institute Fall Retreat in Meridian on October 22nd about teaching Rhymes using book-making, drama, music, and movement. I have dressed-up as Mother Goose with "poems in my pockets" for several years now, and the Pre-K through 2nd grade classes helped me prepare for this workshop by letting me practice with them. This presentation is specifically geared towards engaging students through a variety of learning styles, and we get to have lots of fun, too!

Book character elections are coming up next Tuesday, November 4th! I can't wait to see who wins! Each class is nominating the book character who would make the best president. Speeches will be given on Tuesday morning, and the election will follow. More to follow. . .