Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Preparations for the New School Year

I am so excited to begin the new school year in the library! This year, we will be working more closely with teachers to interface with learning in the classroom. I also have plans to incorporate more technology and my experience in arts integrated teaching and learning into library lessons. There will be lots going on! I hope to use this blog to highlight what students are doing and reading in the library, great new books, really cool websites, issues in using technology, etc.

During the summer, I've been reading some old classics of children's literature and some brand new books that I have loved. I've also been knitting a lot (one of my passions) and reading books, blogs, and websites about knitting. My knitting exploration on the internet has lead to a new interest in learning how to sew and helping my daughter learn how to sew. Of course, I had to find some new books on sewing to help me out! And, I've been following a listserv of school librarians across the world that always gives me great new ideas of interesting things to try in the library. Stay tuned for more information about "Treasure Bottles" filled with messages about books and library resources. I can't wait to get started!

Julie Owen

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