Thursday, November 20, 2008

Book Making

What can you make from an old cereal box and a brown, paper grocery bag? Can you believe that you can make a book? The third through sixth graders did just that today in literature connection. Using and applying math skills such as spatial recognition, measurement, division, and fractions, the students constructed the container or the "book" to hold the results of their research on the pilgrims and the Wampanoag Indians. Last Thursday, they researched and recorded comparison and contrast notes from this wonderful and informative website on Thanksgiving from Scholastic. On Monday, they reviewed their notes and chose to create a character for either a pilgrim or a Wampanoag Indian. They had to write four clues for their "Who Am I Book." Tomorrow, they will be decorating their book covers with Mrs. T. Finally, on Monday they will pull the entire book together as an artistic and informative creation!

And, from Reader's Theater Club today. . .


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