Saturday, September 26, 2009

Poetry Club

September 24th was the first meeting for this year's after-school library club. We are focusing on poetry this year! Twelve students from fourth through sixth grade signed up to be in the club and nine of these students were able to come to our first meeting.

We started our meeting with snacks, of course. Then we each read a poem that we had found and prepared to share with the group. The students read from Langston Hughes, Emily Dickinson, William Carols Williams, and others. Some of the poem were easier to understand than others, but we worked our way through the language and structure.

For our writing exercise, we worked with a cinquain form from Read, Write, Think. I'll post these on a bulletin board in the main hallway so that you can see their work and creativity.

This was mine:

orange and black,
fluttering, sipping, floating,
once an egg, then a caterpillar

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