Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Leaf Exploring

I took all lower grade classes outside on Monday to explore the trees and falling leaves in our school yard. The sky was overcast and the wind was breezy. Hurricane Ida was moving closer to the coast.

We concentrated on looking at the different shapes, textures, and colors of the leaves. I quieted classes underneath trees to listen to the wind rustling through the leaves. Students noticed other bits of nature like small purple flowers underneath some dried leaves, seed pods, berries, ants, and caterpillars.

When we went back into the library, we spilled our leaves out on the floor, sorted them, and chose some to press in old library books -- I knew I was keeping those books for some reason! Maybe by next Monday, the leaves will be nice and pressed for a future project. I have in mind to try some of local artist Robin Whitfield's techniques that I learned about over the weekend.

Mrs. T. and I have been working with the lower grades through music, art, and literature connection classes to learn about fall, leaves, and trees. Our walk was a wonderful way to experience some of what we have been studying in the classroom.

Below is a slide-show of photos I took during our leaf field explorations:

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