Friday, January 9, 2009

Celebrating Reading

Last night in Arkansas, my niece read Green Eggs and Ham to my sister and brother-in-law. At the same time, my son read The Very Hungry Caterpillar to me. My son and niece are both relatively new readers, so every word, and every book is special. Welcome to the world of reading!

Later that night, I started reading Voyage of the Dawn Treader, C. S. Lewis's third book of the Narnia series, to my nine-year-old daughter. Many parents stop reading to their children when they begin reading fluently to themselves, but I want to encourage the act of reading-out-loud and sharing books together to all ages! My daughter might not read this book on her own because of the difficult vocabulary and sentence structure, but she is ready to hear it and can comprehend and enjoy the story. I explain vocabulary as we go along, and this increases her ability to read something more difficult on her own the next time. Besides, I want to read the Narnia series again! It is such a magical story that will keep us occupied for many afternoons and nights to come.

During literature connection yesterday, third through sixth graders checked out books for the new year and worked in small groups on creating a timeline of Martin Luther King, Jr.'s life. Different books about Dr. King were also available on the tables. For a generation of children who did not live during the time of Dr. King's life, these books are windows into his life and the world that was. For a generation of children who are now reading and learning, these books may touch their lives in ways that we will not know for years to come.

Reading is such a hopeful part of life, and I hope that you celebrate it every day!
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