Monday, January 12, 2009

So Much Going On

Looking at the photo above, you might think it's a collage of photos of children reading. In itself, this is amazing. But, having been with these children all day long, I see many different things going on. I see solitary, individual, comfortable reading on the floor. I see a Kindergarten student reading a book to her classmates-- playing librarian. I see two pre-K students sharing a book together-- reading even though they don't really know how to read-- making up their own words to the illustrations. I see two third graders trying to decide which two books of the same series they will check out and read simultaneously. I see two girls reading a magazine together-- reading magazines is one of the best ways to get children reading. I see groups of children reading on their own-- trying to focus on the words on the page and not the sounds in the room. I see a boy who could tune out a tornado if the book is good enough. I see groups of children with smiles on their faces, ideas popping in their brains, and questions formulating. So much is going on.
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