Saturday, February 21, 2009

Visual Art and Drama in the Library

Fourth graders worked on their individual quilt blocks that must incorporate three symbols of the Underground Railroad. Next week, they will finish these projects and write paragraphs about their blocks, how they designed them, and the symbols they chose.

Students in Reader's Theater club consulted each other and worked together to design a story from three random nouns. We played a game called "Story Court," in which participants had only a few minutes to develop a story with a beginning, middle and end. The story was told (and acted out) to the jurors and the judge (Mrs. Owen, of course). If the story did not have the necessary parts, the students were given a sentence of guilty and were made to do something crazy and silly for their peers. The students enjoyed the guilty verdicts as much as the not-guilty verdicts!

I am continually amazed (and entertained) by the creative, talented, and energetic students at St. Therese. They keep me on my toes as a teacher, make me smile, and cause me to wonder who and what they will become in this life. I believe great things are in their futures.

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